10 strategies for a successful marriage in 21 days

10 strategies for a successful marriage in 21 days

Simple and Effective

JustFiction Edition ( 2021-11-04 )

€ 21,90

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Marriage is not for the foolish. It takes wisdom to have a peaceful family. Whenever there is crisis at home, it is an indication that foolishness is at work. Foolishness has nothing to do with academic qualifications or how gifted you are. It has nothing to do with age, race and country you live in.Wisdom is knowing the truth (original information) and applying it. Wisdom has three components. It has to do with acquisition of knowledge, understanding and application. Wisdom is not complete and perfect when it is not applied. A foolish man can acquire knowledge and understand it, but when he or she fails to execute it, it is still ignorance.Therefore, for any marriage to experience peace, you need the strategies that make marriage work. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do in marriage and doing it, not just talking it.Wisdom is inevitable in life and marriage. For your marriage to experience peace, you need wisdom. The wisdom of the Creator is what makes your home peaceful, not your intellectual prowess.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Tobi I. Adesokan

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Narrative literature