Cotton sounding letters

Cotton sounding letters

Translated by: Reza Hosseini Baghanam

JustFiction Edition ( 2024-01-23 )

€ 26,90

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By combining life and literary experience, Najari writes poetry that evokes inviolable sense of depth with his readers. Sometimes pointless and ungenerous descriptions reveal the essence and and let us travel from apparently meaningless to the deep meaningful, from abstraction to real stronghold of events, and by its authenticity they attract the reader to explore further through his poems and to return to them again and again.His literary description confirm that he is a highly intellectual and artistically delicate poet. His poetry is not distant or alien and has no bounadaries. His fragile written word has a mighty power of artistic creation, and this is exactly the impression given by the poems in his collection Cotton Sounding Letters. The unequal verses and intermittent rhythm of his poetry remind us of Mayakovsky’s writing. He even mentions him in the same poem by saying: "The side of Mayakovsky in my body hurts", emphasizing the lyrical creation of the suicidal instinct and near death.Above all the poet glorifies love, in various relations, as the most important and motivating thought in the essence of our being.Andrejana Dvornić, professor and writer Belgrade, Serbia

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Umid Najjari

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Language and literature science