Peter Carroll

Peter Carroll

A battle against the wicked wizard Herbert, battle against robots, destruction of Earth…

JustFiction Edition ( 2021-12-17 )

€ 26,90

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Peter Carroll is a 12-year-old teenager living with his family in London. His father, James Carroll, is the owner of a seafood restaurant and his mother, Emilia Carroll, is a housewife. The Hardy family live in their neighborhood and their daughter, Isabella Hardy, study at Gandhi school with Peter Carroll. A wicked wizard called Herbert who has wrong and nasty thoughts escapes from another planet called “Lovely Planet” (the planet of good wizards) and enters Earth with the hatred of humans to destroy them and Earth. The wicked wizard, Herbert, forms a malicious army from the humans with nasty thoughts to witness the annihilation of humans by themselves!! Meanwhile, the dandy and good wizard “Charlie” comes to Earth to inform good humans, fights Herbert his malicious army, and prevent the destruction of Earth and human generation. Charlie informs Peter Carroll and all humans on Earth that the key to destroy Herbert is in the hands of humans and Charlie’s prediction on the battle against Herbert and his malicious army in a near future and how to end...

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Majid Naeemi Nabatian

Number of pages:


Published on:



Narrative literature