Secrets to successful marriages

Secrets to successful marriages

Guaranteed truth from real couples

JustFiction Edition ( 2021-11-16 )

€ 23,90

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Marriage was not intended by the Creator to harm people, but to add value to lives. When the purpose of marriage is not known, abuse is inevitable. This is why there are a lot of crises in many homes because a lot of people don’t know the secrets to a blissful marriage.Once you know the secrets to a successful marriage, you will always enjoy your home. Though, there is no marriage without its challenges, but there are ways to overcome the challenges.Many couples are destroyed for lack of knowledge. There are a lot of young people going into marriage, but they don’t know what makes marriages. Therefore, when you don’t know the secrets behind success in marriage, you will blame yourself for going into it.In this book, the author will be showing us some practicable guidelines to a successful marriage. Anything that works, work with knowledge. Also, anything that becomes a complex challenge is as a result of inadequate knowledge.This book will destroy your ignorance and empower you to know the secrets to a successful marriage.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Tobi I. Adesokan

Number of pages:


Published on:



Narrative literature