Sunrise during lock down

Sunrise during lock down

A story about how the life of some people's changed during lock down period

JustFiction Edition ( 2020-09-28 )

€ 73,90

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When Misima country announces a lock down, most poor people find themselves unable to have food. This prompts Togama's father to go about looking for food in order to feed his two children Sabita and Togama. He finds his way to Resilina's house who gets attracted to him because of his character. Unlike his husband Talmai who is always physically abusing her, this old man is loving and caring. This makes Resilina to propose the old man in a bid to have him as her husband. The two falls in love regardless of the threat from Talmai who is Resilina's husband. During this period of lock down a lot of women face abuses from their husbands. Another women who is slapped and punched viciously by his husband is Debona. Rima feels sorry for her and gives her a car, some money and a two storey building. Debona also discovers Sabita and Togama in a forest and is surprised to learn that they are the children of his brother. Finally, she is reunited with his brother who has now a new wife Resilina. Sabita and Togama discovers their new friends. They decide to have a party to celebrate their reunion but the lock down becomes an obstacle that they need to overcome.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Kenneth Sitolo

Number of pages:


Published on:



Narrative literature