In the trade of love

In the trade of love

Poetry Book

JustFiction Edition ( 2019-10-04 )

€ 21,90

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The book "In the Trade of Love", comes to the poetry readers as the newest one, in which are well treated such a good poems from both authors: Agnesa and Besjana, who tried to explain what does it mean the true love and the fake one too in these days, why do people cheat and why do some people have a lack of love. The beginning of this books starts with a poetry in which authors tried to describe what do innocent people do first when they really love, sure they apologize even when it is not asked from them, just because they are in love and don't want to lose the people who they think can be lost. However part of this book are many other poems on which are well treated emotions, feelings of the people who pretend to love, or who can be cheated from one side of their partners. But, the message of the book is that how is losing the real love and how are people running after interest and how do they heart themselves only for the money, without caring for each ones feelings, or what might happen to them.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Besjana Rexhepi
Agnesa Rexhepi

Number of pages:


Published on:



Language and literature science