Return from Beyond

Return from Beyond

A story of a brave heart that fought with death and returned.

JustFiction Edition ( 2022-11-23 )

€ 24,90

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A badge of honor is earned when one returns from beyond. It is worn only by a brave heart that steps out in courage when action is required and completes the task. He is head of a taskforce who leads from the front. He is the one who survives the destruction of war, and still demonstrates the courage to return to the battlefield from beyond, to defend the country and to carry home the wounded. The protagonist of this story falls in love with the young maid servant of his home and succumbs to the urges of the youth making the girl pregnant. And then he leaves for war in order to discharge his duty towards his motherland. Will he stand tall and rescue her from her predicament? Will he return with a victory? The story is a narrated by a woman in whose life so much happened in such a short time.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Satish Bendigiri

Number of pages:


Published on:



Narrative literature