To reach for the stars

To reach for the stars

Arm-wrestling with fate

JustFiction Edition ( 2022-09-21 )

€ 71,90

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Beauty is a divine gift, a quality of angels and fairies, a magic spell, likely to subjugate all mankind.An orphan, endowed with remarkable beauty, a marvelous splendor, born in a rural area. Spoiled and pampered by her close social circle. Arrived at maturity, seeking to defy the destiny to which she was to be doomed instead of bowing to it, at the risk of her life. Gambling everything. Acting with clever intelligence, but sometimes commits serious errors. Falls and recovers several times. No inferiority feeling. Ready to risk the usual, not to have to settle for the ordinary. Indeed, Success has no short cuts. She gambles everything ! don’t stop until she is proud and even further… Always forward.As a very cute young woman she seduces with her beauty, without giving up her body. Her lasting motto: « If you're not in control of your own destiny, what's the point of living? »A fascinating out of the common novel pulsating with life, of twists by its characters, destined to caught you fancy at once and to take you out of yourself.Aimed at a broad audience interested in exciting stories with a strong and beautiful female protagonist.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Akram Lbekkouri

Number of pages:


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