Uncorrectable Mistake

Uncorrectable Mistake

Died with a heavy debt on his shoulders for his childhood mistakes

JustFiction Edition ( 2013-09-26 )

€ 29,90

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Mwine grew up with a guilty mind for his role in his family's break down.Having set a fire at the age of 14, that destroyed the village and resulted into loss of innocent lives,his father was condemned to death,on his son's behalf. The village elders found Mwine too young to die on his own. He chose to become a Lawyer at any cost, so as to revenge on his father's killers, but also to give his mother a better future,in which he was determined to correct his past mistake. He was doing just fine until he messed up with a drunken woman and contracted HIV-AIDS. He died and was buried on his graduation day,with a lot of debt to his family. His poor mother used much of the little resources left to the family, after almost everything was sold off to compensate the fire victims,to educate him.She used the balance for his medication and every thing for his burial expenses.Despite his great determination,he was unable to correct his own mistake.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Bruce Twesigye

Number of pages:


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Narrative literature